Recently a dear friend from back in the day reached out on Facebook for me to “Like” her blog page, “It’s All in the Expression” which of course I did. The title intrigued me, so I clicked on the blog link while perusing the Facebook page.
Donna has an “about this blog” page which hooked me immediately with, “When I‘m looking for ways to unwind or destress, I find I always end up doing something creative.” That was exactly one of the top reasons I re-started my blog, a need to destress and the desire to be creative in one of the few ways I feel confident, writing (I play guitar, some banjo and mandolin as well, which is “creative”, but I digress); a kindred spirit approaching from a different interest.
On I ventured into the most current post, “When in doubt COLOR and do it with flare!” was the title. Now I thought I might be in trouble. My artistic talents in the drawing / colouring arena are slim. As I like to say to people, ‘I need a ruler to draw stick men’. And that whole “colour thing”, my wardrobe is made up of blacks, blues, and grays; rarely do I venture into hues other than the basics. But the post started out with a quote from Dr. Joel Pearson that hit a chord with me, “it brings out our inner child”; parallel again to my love of baseball, my “inner child” pursuit. Okay, keep reading. Donna touched on her journey with Adult Coloring books and what she found inside. She continued into aspects of technique (who knew there’s more than just putting a colour between the lines and shapes), the actual “why” of the process, building her colored pencil collection, images, and the endless possibilities. It didn’t make me run out and get a 64 box of crayons and a couple books, but it did remind me of the simple times I coloured with my three kids when they were younger and the relaxation and joy of those times. It was a good read and it spoke to my soul.
Some of the categories she has or will tackle are:
> Baking
> Coloring
> Equip Yourself
> Home Refresh & Repair
> Knowledge Portal
> Photography
> Self-Expression
> Sewing
She has other posts, which I will not recap here, but suffice to say, I was delighted with what I found and have put her blog in my Feedly Classic app.
In this time of stress and isolation with the pandemic, political chaos, un and under-employment along with our “modern problems” this blog may just be the site that changes our outlook and steers us into a positive pursuit.
Check it out, the link is:
Donna has a relaxed, enjoyable writing style. She covers a variety of subjects and is just a wonderful person who deserves a following for her voice. You can subscribe to the blog and be notified via email when she posts. Tell her I sent you!
Back to sports soon!
~ Coach Mike